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MAP testing

I think setting goals is very important which is why for quarter one I set some goals for myself. I got about the same score for each of my tests. I didn’t go down though so that was a goal I accomplished.  I will make sure to set goals before next MAP test. I personally don’t like MAP tests because the wording of the questions. Most of the questions are easy but it is hard to figure out what they are exactly asking. Espically the things I haven’t learned yet. If I don’t know the answer I try to use different methods. I will either use process of elimination or make an educational guess. I use process of elimination most because I get more questions right that way. Overall I think I did well on MAP and I hope to do even better next MAP test.


  1. I'm glad that even though you don't like MAP testing you didn't end up going down. I'm also glad to hear you don't just guess and you make sure to try on every question. That's good! Aw! Oh my goodness. It sounds like you were quite the handful back then! I'm glad you're no longer scared and it ended up being a funny moment instead of scary. Thank you for sharing your post this week.


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