This blog post will be a short story about an annoying game show host who ages many years in a day.
Once there was a game show host. Many would say he is quite annoying and talkative but people just don’t know the real reason why. Many would say “ you look older every day!” but not so much in a good way. The truth was that he aged 20 years every day. Although his face didn’t look like it had changed that much everyday, it was suspicious. People thought he was aging but just couldn’t exactly tell what was happening. He was very talkative because he thought his face aging would actually make him age internally and not live as long. He wasn’t the best looking due to this but he still kept his game show career going. He started talking less and worrrying less. People loved his show.
Good story! Very interesting plot. I'd be curious to read more about this. Thank you for sharing this week.